Never Say Never
It should be no secret how I feel about books within a series. As soon as I see the likes of “Book One of the Ice Dragon Series” or “Troll Hunters #17” in a novel’s title, I quickly move on to something else. The reason for this aversion? There’s a couple, actually:
The Great Pretender
A very wise man once told me there was a difference between fantasizing about what you’d like out of life and actively pursuing a plan to make those dreams a reality. Now, thirty-some years later, I finally understand what he was trying to tell me.
Three Books and a Plan
It’s been a year since I posted my blog Two Books and a Plan which outlined a four-part strategy for the coming year. Well, it’s been 12 months. Let’s see how my plan went:
Minutiae Kills
Ever hear the one about the architect who killed himself because he forgot to include bathrooms in his design?
You See, The Story's the Thing
A few years back, I went through open heart surgery. During my recovery in the hospital,while flirting with the nurses – as I’ve been shamelessly known to do – I sparked a debate between two of them: Which is sexier – a tattoo, or a scar?
A Small Press Conundrum
The last publisher to reject me before I made the decision to go independent was McAdam-Cage Publishing, a small press out of San Francisco. Most notably, they published Niffenegger's The Time Traveler's Wife.
Memory of a Blue Heron
I don't know that I'll ever think of myself as a poet. But sometimes inspiration that can only be expressed in verse strikes. A short while back, while hanging pictures with my son, I was struck to compose the following poem.