
"You don’t have to burn books to destroy a culture.

Just get people to stop reading them.” ~Ray Bradbury

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"The Quieting West has the flavor of great historical fiction, given the research provided on the era. It weaves fact and fiction together in a way that leaves you wondering which parts really could have happened, and which are pure fantasy, but we’ll never know for sure. Gravley has clearly researched the period well, knitting anecdotal history together to create a compelling novel that feels more like memoir than fiction." Self-publishing Review

" ultimately takes readers on a colorful ride from the Rockies to the Southwest, ending up with the bathtub gin, corruption and false-front romance of Hollywood." IndieReader

"When you think of cowboys and ranch hands, poetry is probably not among the first traits that come to mind. Images of six guns and roping cattle and dusty ten gallon hats are more likely to dance in front of you. In this amazing book you get all that and more." Laura Reading, Amazon

"What a fascinating story! Upon finishing this novel, I was left with a great feeling knowing I had read a solid and well-written story." Sage Adderley-Knox, Goodreads

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 "Apocalypse fans you will LOVE this...the type of writing that is usually found in traditionally published novels...The book is enthralling." Carrie, Cryptic Reads

"The characters are compelling, ideas inventive and philosophies thought-provoking." AnneG, Amazon

"This is the kind of novel that entertains you while also making you think...The whole story has a kind of deeper meaning to it, so that, if you look closely, you might just leave with a new perspective." Abby, Goodreads

"If, and that is a big if, we would have found this book on the shelf in a bookstore, we would have passed it by. However, that would have been a terrible mistake on our part. This is a great book." Ray, Goodreads

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“Josef Kronecker is a brilliant horologist whose expertise goes beyond mere clocks. His shop in the 18th century Salzburg hides wonders unheard-of by his contemporaries, like a mechanical boy who can dance and play. Then Josef falls in love with a beautiful noblewoman Klara, who has different plans for his inventions. At the same time, Josef’s disfigured assistant, Anna, hides a deep love towards him. Anna is, in turn, wooed by the young pianist Pascal recovering from a terrible accident.

So begins Gordon Gravley’s OF GILDED FLESH. To tell more would mean spoiling all the delicious twists and turns in the story. The novel could be best described as a historical fantasy romance. Set in the Habsburg Empire in the mid-18th century, the story takes inspiration from the real-life craze for automatons. In the decades leading up to the First Industrial Revolution, complex and expensive clockworks were among most advanced devices in the world. While nobility played with wind-up toys, inventors built chronometers for nautical navigation and early mechanical calculators. But real-life history is merely an inspiration for fantastic contraptions Josef the clock maker builds to help others. But does he aid them? Or does he instead make them dependent on technology they can barely comprehend? This classic science fiction conundrum is nicely counterbalanced by a charming and humorous story. Wonderful sardonic wit permeates dialogues and descriptions throughout the novel.”

Daniel Striga - IndieReader